The Lodge on Twinkle Lane

The Lodge on Twinkle Lane

Our Story

Amanda2 mins read

This place has a special story. Cozy up! #storytime


November of 2021, we visited Carlton Landing with friends for the first time and quickly fell in love. We went back a month later & started figuring out how we can afford to buy a house there.


Prices increased out of our budget so I put the hope to bed & let the desire fade. We visited with our friends again July 4 week, which ripped that desire wide open.


This house had been on the market many days & we loved its “lodgy” feel. We’ve always wanted a cabin in the woods of SE OK where I grew up. So we toured it.


The reason we loved it was the reason it was sitting so long. We thought about it & decided to see it again before heading back to Texas.


We were unable to offer the asking price but we thanked the realtor, told her all the things we loved about it but said the crazy low price we WOULD be able to offer. We didn’t want to submit a real offer for fear of insulting the sellers.


She was gracious & encouraged us to go ahead. Can’t hurt, right? So we scrambled to get pre-approved for, for us, still a scary high number. And mailed a heart felt letter that shared our vision for how we wanted to use the space to glorify God & love others.


All the while praying avidly & following God’s lead.


They took what felt like forever to (graciously) say no but countered. We said we weren’t bluffing, thanked them for their time & started dreaming other ideas.


A few weeks later, we got a text from our realtor that the seller wanted to accept our offer if it was still on the table!


I called her asap & asked why would they do that?! Why wouldn’t they just lower the price again & get multiple offers. She said the seller just kept reading our letter & just really wanted our family to have the house. For what we offered. Gasp! We had prayed the whole time that God would stir a desire in their hearts to say yes if it was from Him.


We were scared bc this felt like leaping off a cliff that we had to trust God to catch us from falling.


We decided to say yes & pray God would close the door shut if it wasn’t from Him. Well, so far we’ve not only walked through each door, we’ll be able to close in record time!! We look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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